You are represented at the local, state, regional and national level and contribute to every aspect of your profession.
Membership includes free Continuing Education at meetings, discounts on our annual Winter Seminar fees and the FOA convention, social events to promote comradery and fellowship, free legal consultation through the Florida Optometric Association, and supporting legislative fairness in our practice law.
To get started, or to learn more please visit for a Membership Application, or call FOA at 1-800-399-2334.
Boca Raton Marriott
Make sure to visit our website regularly for all the latest events. Stay up-to-date on upcoming activities and trainings. Don't miss out on any exciting opportunities and exclusive offers. Browse our events to stay informed and engaged with our community.
Membership in organized optometry begins with the Florida Optometric Association (FOA). When you join FOA, you are also joining your local optometric society (Palm Beach County Optometric Association), the American Optometric Association, and the Southern Council of Optometrists.
Contribute to Optometry PAC! Only when we pull together can we be a formidable force.